About Brics Korea

BRICs is a new term coined after the first English letters of Brazil (BRAZIL), Russia (RUSSIA), India (INDIA), and China (CHINA), a leading economic trend in the 21st century and emerging as the center of the world economy.

BRICS KOREA CO.,LTD. is a company that can cooperate in various fields related to Korea-India trade with local partners with bright and rich experience in India.

Currently, we are conducting import and export trade between Korea and India, agent roles and consulting work for SMEs wishing to enter India, and import and sell various Indian products through the E-Commerce Indian Shop (www.indianshop.kr).

Welcome to BRICS KOREA's website.

In the 21st century, trade between countries is expanding, and countries around the world are gradually expanding their free trade agreements. Among them, Korea and India signed the Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between the two countries in August 2009, which began to take effect in January 2010, and trade between the two countries is increasing every year along with India's economic growth. However, due to the lack of information, credit, and business practices in Korea and India, and the lack of understanding, there are often considerable burdens and trial and error in work. 

BRICS KOREA is a trading company that connects Korea and India and seeks to contribute to Korea's export growth by establishing close relationships with partner companies that have a lot of experience in India. In addition, through consulting and agent services such as trade import and export agency, Indian market research and buyer matching, and E-commerce in India, we help Korean SMEs that want to enter the Indian market to minimize trial and error and enter the local market.

We will do our best to be a company that is trusted by our customers with trust and sincerity.

Thank you.